

ay can we stop pretending like ADHD isn’t a Real Mental Health Issue and is Easy To Deal With? it’s a hugely detrimental disorder that effects performance in school and at work, and personal relationships on multiple levels. with ADHD it’s difficult to implement the routines necessary for day to day functioning. maybe educate yourself before criticizing a disorder that’s very fucking hard to live with. 

for those unaware, I’ve been told by several friends they didn’t know this, adhd can effect basic survival rituals. Adhd makes sleep nearly impossible most of the time, makes cooking a too long task which c a n easily lead to a microwave diet, it makes basic reading and comprehension without interest physically exhausting (FYI that means us adults with adhd are fucked) and can even cause major, drastic mood swings as our energy plummets and skyrockets sometimes even resulting in straight up manic episodes. ADHD & ADD are very serious and real stop acting like they’re not a big deal.