






the pot not only called the kettle black, the pot then proceeded to write a rap song about it

this is the most fascinatingly un-self-aware thing i’ve seen in a really long time

This is either a real life shitpost or a postmodern piece

White people be like “white people be like” but they be the white people that be like

Hey look, it’s the continuing adventures of “People on Tumblr don’t like to look into the shit they intend to criticize.” The lines right before the verse in the original post here are “Oh, what are you doing Ben? What are you doing here? Think about it.” Then he goes into the verse. He’s literally talking about himself. This isn’t a case of the pot calling the kettle black, it’s Macklemore talking about how a bunch of POC before him were the only reason his music ever took off, and how now he owes it to the community whos’ culture he borrowed from to participate in their movements. Later on in the song, he says: 

Hip-hop has always been political, yes
It’s the reason why this music connects
So what the fuck has happened to my voice if I stay silent when black people are dying
Then I’m trying to be politically correct?

I can book a whole tour, sell out the tickets
Rap entrepreneur, built his own business

If I’m only in this for my own self-interest, not the culture that gave me a voice to begin with
Then this isn’t authentic, it is just a gimmick 

Another excerpt from the last verse of this track:

But the one thing the American dream fails to mention
Is I was many steps ahead to begin with

My skin matches the hero, likeness, the image
America feels safe with my music in their systems
And it’s suited me perfect, the role, I’ve fulfilled it
And if I’m the hero, you know who gets cast as the villain
White supremacy isn’t just a white dude in Idaho
White supremacy protects the privilege I hold


Here’s a link to the song, and a link to the lyrics. I know the hilarious meme is that Macklemore is just another white guy idiot, but please don’t let that get in the way of him trying to follow the exact code of conduct that most people on this website would assign to him; because this song is literally nine fucking minutes of the guy checking his privilege.