I just realized that there are many of you on here who have never had to store information on a floppy disk or write it to a CD due to your hard drive only having so much space and flash drive and SD cards weren’t a thing yet and you’ve probably never downloaded mp3s of anime songs and video game music from limewire to burn your own CDs and you’ve never had to wait five minutes for a Flash cartoon to load and you probably don’t know what YTMND is and you don’t remember sprite comics or Albinoblacksheep and you don’t remember when Youtube was new. NEW. YOUTUBE WAS NOT ALWAYS A PART OF THE INTERNET AND I REMEMBER WHEN IT WAS NEW OH MY GOSH I AM ACTUALLY FREAKING OUT A LITTLE
When downloading a 3 minute video of good quality took three hours.
When there were no social sites, only shrines and messy forums.
Dial-up. NEVER FORGET THE HORROR OF DIAL-UP. Nobody could use the phone.
Music could only be found in .midi and .wav format. Rarely one could find the mythical .mp2
Image galleries that took 10 minutes to load and half the pics would give up and die anyway.
Personal art galleries cause where else was that shit gonna go?
the days before youtube when you had to actually DOWNLOAD fanvids and they took fucking ages.
not being able to use the phone while connected to the internet.
games taking up multiple floppies… FLOPPIES.
I am just gonna put this here:
I can buy a single hard drive that can hold that 5,977 GB