Month: December 2015

That is Tev’s opinion on Koltira and Thassarian? Does he like them?

This is me 100% making shit up:

Koltira is technically Tev’s commanding officer. (Or at least he was until he went missing and Tev apparently gets promoted above him next expac.) He’s also kind of like Tev’s disapproving mother-in-law. The dude pretty much complains loudly about everything Tev does, though his actions don’t really back up his disapproval at all.

Absolutely none of this prevents Tev from talking about “Deathweaver’s human boyfriend.” until Kolitra’s ears wilt and he orders Tevruden to shut up. So I’d say their interactions are mutually antagonistic. Which is actually probably a pretty positive relationship when you’re a DK.

Thassarian he is a bit more neutral on; yeah he went to the Alliance, (alliance vs horde is a whole other post) and there was that whole incident w/ Kolitra in Andorhal, but Tev feels that death knights are Ebon Blade first and members of their respective factions second.


Facebook decided to remind me that 5 years ago, I left Alleria to come to Emerald Dream. ONCE UPON A TIME, I WAS A DRAENEI. 

I loved being a hunter back then. Shit was hard and I hit top DPS often, but the majestic call of the belf led me to turn Evanrae to Vanrael:

And then…

Varaelian was born. Sort of….

Happy 5 years Varaelian and Vanrael. ♥




Combine your chinese zodiac and astrology sign to make your true fursona

Sheep /Crab/Lion

I really want to see @lobstmourne draw the crab lol.

mine would just be a pretty tiger kitty lady, which WAS my personal char (one of them) maybe 12-13 years ago in ye olde deviantart request community days lol.  I was suuuper into zodiac shit back then so there u go 😛

Dog/Centuar. So yeah we’re going MAXIMUM FURRY here.


the removal of replies has really hampered the natural communication on this website

a reply was like me walking past you on the sidewalk as you water your flowers next to your porch and i go “nice flowers!” and you say “thanks!” and we go about our days

now i walk past your flowers and i can either walk up to you and stop you from doing what you’re doing to tell you that you have nice flowers, or i use my cell phone to call you and tell you the flowers are looking nice while we stare each other down, you in your front yard, me on the sidewalk

kazibug: Freebies! There were a few that trickled in after I cut off submissions, but I’ll try my best to get to them regardless :) If not tonight, then tomorrow Thank you all so much for letting me doodle your wonderful characters. I really feel like it helped me push towards


Freebies! There were a few that trickled in after I cut off submissions, but I’ll try my best to get to them regardless 🙂 If not tonight, then tomorrow

Thank you all so much for letting me doodle your wonderful characters. I really feel like it helped me push towards the end of this little hiccup. Since I think most of if not all of these came from RP blogs, you’re welcome to post your character image separately, if you’d like. Just please credit 🙂

Part 2, since not all will fit on one post. Apparently in alphabetical order because that was how my computer uploaded it. (sorry if my tags don’t work!)

@madame-essence @unbound-tempest @theladydevonshire @twotigermoon @twosidedsana @solasthebloodknight