Month: December 2015



When I start to get emotional I immediately think “I’m so gay” and this is because straight people actually don’t have emotions

this is false and heterophobic. straight people have a panorama of emotions including:

  • outrage
  • jealousy
  • Situational Benevolence (aka “don’t fight hate w/ hate”)
  • sports
  • umami, the “Fifth Emotion”
  • TGIF

You forgot Monday, as in “A case of the mondays”


Your OTP is cuddling in a hammock, being adorable, and it eventually leads to kissing and whatnot. This escalates to the point of them shifting the hammock so much they fall out of it, landing on top of each other. What happens next is up to you.

darkhhhhhh: Commission for Shen and Mana.They are their FFXIV characters with very cool effect limit break skill! :D ________________________________________________ It is too busy in recent, I still couldn’t finish all the commissions in 2 months….;_;[crying]


Commission for Shen and Mana.
They are their FFXIV characters with very cool effect limit break skill! 😀


It is too busy in recent, I still couldn’t finish all the commissions in 2 months….;_;[crying]


Commission is full and closed now.
If you are interested in my commission, please check my deviantART Journal.

kasimova-daria: Oh GOD I MADE IT HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016!! I wish you all the best, health, happiness, good mood and luck! <33



HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016!! I wish you all the best, health, happiness, good mood and luck! <33

So I guess i’m like the one person on WRA who doesn’t know Tev so do 1 through 20 for me.

01. Full name: Tevruden Dawnspear
02. Best friend: Varaelian Nilhandril @varaelian
03. Sexuality: Nope
04. Favorite color: Blood orange red
05. Relationship status: Currently in a relationship w/ Feiyn Bloodfang and Ro’liath Frostbane (@icyvveins and @the-ahaegao-prince)
06. Ideal mate: One that likes killing dudes
07. Turn-ons: Murder
08. Favorite food: Pretty much anything, if there’s enough of it  
09. Crushes: Anything that he can get his fist around.
10. Favorite music: I don’t really think he pays attention to it.
11. Biggest fear: He doesn’t afraid of anything. Mostly beause his biggest fear was his own death, and he’s survived that.
12. Biggest fantasy: Cleaving through like 10 dudes at once. (His personal best is 7.)
13. Bad habits: He tends to beat people with his limbs when they get cut off.
14. Biggest regret: He doesn’t really regret anything, but then he pretty much does whatever he wants.
15. Best kept secrets: Probably the same one most DK’s have, while Arthas died in the seige of ICC, he was replaced almost instantly
16. Last thought: “I wonder if I could raise another frostwyrm.”
17. Worst romantic experience: Probably his first engagement, merely because it ended w/ him dying and being raised as a DK
18. Biggest insecurity: See Biggest regret
19. Weapon of choice: His runeblade. (It has a name, but it’s classified.) He prefers axes to swords and polearms.
20. Role Model: The closest thing I would say he has to a rolemodel would be Arthas, minus the whole mind controlling everyone in the Scourge part. He actually admires the power he had as the Lich King

Really the fact that he’s ~actually a dragon~. Related to that: when he joined the Argent crusade, while he said he was a paladin, he had no idea how to use the Light at all, and kinda cheated w/ his own magic. After a while, the talk about believing in the Light finally sank

Really the fact that he’s ~actually a dragon~. Related to that: when he joined the Argent crusade, while he said he was a paladin, he had no idea how to use the Light at all, and kinda cheated w/ his own magic. After a while, the talk about believing in the Light finally sank in, and he was able to wield it. He’s actually pretty decent at it, because as it turns out it’s a lot like his own magic anyway.
