

It is time for the giveaway. Look, I held a poll, and my followers chose a giveaway over freebie stream, so giveaway it is.

Interested in some free art? Good news for you, this giveaway is for you, then!

How to participate:
Follow either meoproject or meocraft – I have other blogs, but following those do not count. Only meoproject/meocraft counts. These are my art blogs, so you are not signing up for anything weird.
>>> MeoProject is my general artblog, while MeoCraft is my WoW/MMO art blog. You can follow either… or both! But following both doesn’t give you extra entries.

>>> Please give at least a cursory glance at my blogs before following, just so you know what you are getting in for, and so you get a better idea of my art style in general.
– Once you have followed me, reblog or like this post. You can reblog as many times as you want to, but please be considerate of your followers and don’t spam reblog. Also, if you reblog on your non-main blog, please include your main blog name in message or tags so I don’t overlook you when drawing winners.

– And that’s it!

Giveaway will (hopefully) end on midnight of 31st of December, +2 GMT timezone. Please bear this in mind; after that I will not be accepting new entries and all notes received after that will be disregarded! Please also note that in case I get busy on the date, this date might be pushed back a bit, but this is unlikely. I just want to cover my bases in case something DOES come up.
Winners will be drawn with or other similar random number generator, and I will contact winners via asks and post a public message announcing their names. All winners have 24 hours to contact me to claim their prize, and in case someone fails to contact me, a new winner will be drawn!

And what about the rewards? If this giveaway is successful, there will be at least one grand winner! Sharing this post is encouraged by tiered rewards however.

Tiers are as follows:
Less than 150 notes: no winner – giveaway will be cancelled.
150-250 notes: One grand winner who gets a colored full-body artwork of their character!
251-400 notes: Grand winner and one extra winner for colored bust portrait of their character! Two winners in total.
401-600 notes: Grand winner + runner up AND two flat-colored headshot winners! Four winners in total!
1000+ notes: My eternal gratitude… and I will host a freebie stream for my followers on some future date!

So sharing this message definitely is encouraged; the more you share, the more prizes there will be.

I will only draw original characters, fan characters, custom MMO player characters, or the like. I will NOT draw fanart of any series you haven’t created yourself (so you CANNOT ask me to draw Sylvanas, Naruto or any other character you have not created yourself) and I also WILL NOT draw real life people/pet portraits or their exact likeness (and this includes characters who only have “faceclaims” as their reference); for more info on what I will/will not draw, see my commission ToS (scroll down a bit)!

So… yeah! I think that is all info for now. Please keep tabs on the original post in case I need to add/change info. Thank you for your interest!

– Sir Meo
