
If you are hesitant to do so because-

Our characters don’t know each other/don’t interact in canon

  • I don’t care
  • Send me the meme
  • Do it

You think I’m swamped with memes/replies

  • I probably am
  • I don’t care
  • Do it
  • Seriously, unless I say ‘don’t do it,’ do it

You assume that I don’t want to interact

  • ?????????????????
  • What the even heck
  • Send me the meme

You think I don’t like you

  • Stop this
  • ILY, I promise
  • I will love you more if you send me the meme
  • Just kidding I will love you either way
  • But really
  • The meme
  • Send it

You’re afraid you might be breaking one of my rules by sending it

  • Check my rules
  • If you’re on mobile, drop me an ask and make sure it’s okay
  • If it’s all good, then send the meme

Tl;dr- Send me the memes.