

  • Walk in on parents having a heated debate.
  • Am worried for a bit. Are they fighting?
  • Realize parents are having a heated debate on whether or not goats can climb trees.
  • Immediately side with mom, because I know goats can fuckin climb fucking ANYTHING because I remember the “crave that mineral” meme with the goat on the vertical cliff face apparently levitating to achieve the mineral it craves.
  • who fuckin says the internet never taught me anything
  • Dad has to leave to go back to work. Leaves convinced that no, goats can’t climb trees, they’re goats, they stay on the ground.
  • Once he’s gone, youtube search “Moroccan Tree Goats.” Find self-explanatory video of several goat up in a fuckin tree like some Dr. Seuss shit.
  • Mom looks at me like it’s the proudest she’s ever been of me in her life, including my university graduation
  • She emails it to him. At work. My dad will get a video of Moroccan goats screaming in a tree at his place of business, with the subject line “I TOLD YOU SO.”
  • Mom triumphantly yells to the empty house, “THIS IS WHY PEOPLE IN THE BIBLE THOUGHT GOATS WERE THE DEVIL.”
  • Another ordinary day in my house.
