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-uses all the refs for poses because i’m terrible…

its good to use refs! I def recommend… if you’re not following it already.

i’m not yet but thanks! this’ll help a lot! I know i have stashes of like body poses and stuff all labeled on my DAs favs but sometimes what i’m looking for isn’t there – this will be a lot of help thank you!

No problem literalprush  ! I keep a ton of refs, like you wouldn’t believe. If you want something that isn’t just random poses my other stash is this place:

The first row that comes up with searches the shutter stock is NOT free, but scroll down and the rest of the photos are and you can download some pretty big res photos of it. They have some really nice poses, you just gotta have time to search random stuff and browse.

ps why would anyone yell for using refs? O.o the pros say to use refs..

oh thank you!, to ps: because i’ve seen posts with angry anons ranting about artists not being ‘real artists’ because they used refs 

Those people are dumb and stupid. Using references is exactly what you should do, and has been a technique long before any of us were around: