


So….. Trading houses is a violation.

> RPC topic <

I dont really understand how players are supposed to get housing if plots are full, then.

Its also kinda bogus how they wouldnt give an actual explanation.

It’s probably something to do with the way that Square Enix tracks houses and housing. If, let’s say player A gives up a plot of land,they give it back to Square to be bought by someone else at the market value for the house. However. If player B instead gives up the plot but instead of giving it up easily, puts the house for sale for a profit, not only is the buyer risking possible scamming, but Square can’t police the purchase, so technically, they can’t do anything if player B says “Oh. I wasn’t selling my house.. ”

In reality, it’s more of a “Square is trying to make housing markets fair” versus “Square is being an asshole about it.”