All prices are in USD and subject to change without notice.
I will only accept payment upfront through PayPal.
Turnaround time can take two to three months. If I end up taking longer, I’ll let you know!
provide the full name/physical description/personality of the character
you want drawn. Picture references (screenshots, face claims, other
artwork, whatever you think I’ll need to make sure I get your character
as accurate as possible) are greatly appreciated.
Characters can
be from any fandom or completely original. No anthro or mecha please.
NSFW content allowed (blood, nudity, limited gore, sexual content, kinks to a degree). I will not draw non-con, underage, and certain fetishes.
finished commissions will be posted on my blog—please do not repost.
And please provide your tumblr username so I can link back to you.
It’s that time again, time for me to draw whatever you want for the right price! My commissions, as always, are on a first come – first serve basis with infinite slots (until I close commissions, so basically I’ll do a cut off when I’ve earned enough for the month.)
All prices you see here are non-negotiable. I apologize to my followers who can’t afford it.
If you wish to commission me, it’ll be through PAYPAL only.
Email me at with your Commission idea. Once we’ve decided on something, I will invoice you at your paypal account.
If you wish to contact me for any reason regarding your commission, please email me at DO NOT message me via tumblr inbox, it will be ignored.
you want to support me but can’t afford my prices, I would really
appreciate a signal boost!
I wish I was one of those people who could just draw a million things daily. Like, how do people do that??
I draw a small sketch and I’m done for the rest of the week and I wanna sleep for 10,000 years. It’s so rare I go on a drawing binge.
You start small. Daily. You doodle daily. Literally ‘doodle daily’.
Not ‘make a masterpiece daily’ or even ‘finish a sketch a day’ daily. Just literally train your brain to want a stylus in your hand for 5-10 minutes a day. Doodle lines, doodle eyes, doodle bullshit poop emojis or watch speedpaints and trace over the screenshots or doodle tongues or teeth or full bodies or whatever. Anything that is literally a painless doodle.
It takes about two weeks for you to start feeling the effects of it, but it works. And the more you keep at it, the faster it is to lunge into it.
I also name every canvas I draw on the current date, that way I am constantly looking at whether or not I really AM drawing every day. After a while, you start ‘affording’ yourself days, because you find yourself wanting to doodle more and more daily, so you wind up doing 5 sketches one day and pretty much affording a week of art block because you did all that in one day.
This was the first New Years resolution I made in 2013 and stuck to because I was sick of the whole ‘drawing one doodle every 2-3 months’ and I wanted to do something with my art. It is still to this day the best thing I ever took the time out of my year to do. I don’t draw daily now, but when I get back into the drawing gig, I can binge on it like crazy for 2 weeks before going on another rest. Trust me. It is SUPER WORTH IT.
This is my current 2015 year, and these are only the raw files of finished pieces I’ve done, or pieces I never plan on working on again. I have a separate folder for WIPs, and the folders I listed above are exclusively for pieces I made a final copy of to post online/give to a client/sell/print/whatever. I tend to keep a month’s worth of WIPs in the WIP folder solely to give me motivation to try and finish as many as I can, and also to keep my momentum up when I feel like I’m not doing enough.
Nothing makes me happier knowing I can actually fill out one of those fucking ‘A picture a month’ memes that goes around every year now. It is so worth it.
Baby boomers have to switch life situations with a millennial for a year. The millennial gets to live in their house (which they paid off like thirty or forty years ago) and work at their job that provides a good salary and benefits. The baby boomer has to live in the millennial’s shitty, overpriced apartment and struggle to pay rent and work a minimum wage part-time job as well as an unpaid internship in their (the baby boomer’s) field.
The show can be called Switching Cribs and every time the baby boomer throws a tantrum a little cartoon of a baby crying appears in the corner of the screen.
when white men are vastly over represented in positions of power, you have to either admit that the system is broken or admit that you believe white men are inherently superior. there is no third option.
or, yah know, no one else is running for that position of power that really has any good morals. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
So your argument for under representation of women and POC in positions of power is that they’re inherently less moral?
you really thought this was a rebuttal to my post?
I’m pretty sure that qualifies as admitting to believing in white male supremacy.