Dragon Rper, which is reason enough to be deemed a bad rper, but no she takes it to the next level. She’s also some kind of OC dragon creation that still has Red Flight naming conventions for some reason. She’s a big time #Sparkledog OC with the typical Tumblr archetype, coincidentally she also has a Tumblr. Which in this writer’s humble experience, almost always can let you know if an RPer is bad or not.
gee thanks assholes
“She has a tumblr, which lets you know if RPer is bad or not.”
are arthas’s death knights other souls, put into other bodies, or are they simply reanimated bodies?
like would it be plausible to RP as a goblin DK, who was a troll’s soul put into a goblin’s body? or would it be the player DK was always in the same body?
Usually its just reanimated bodies but necromancers are weird so you can pretty much do whatever you want w/ reanimation