the opening riff to mr brightside could literally raise me from the dead
coming outta my grave and ive been doing just fine
adries: Lith is a former punch-monk turned mender and would 100% wear this shirt, absolutely. A silly doodle.
Lith is a former punch-monk turned mender and would 100% wear this shirt, absolutely.
A silly doodle.
reblogged your post and added:Teeeeeechnically he was never dead, just taking a nice nap while the Legion took care of his soul.
True, Demon Hunters can be summoned back to life just like actual demons.
But we thought we had killed him.
Does that mean we’re gonna get Kael’thas back? Because he was summoned back by a demon and kinda became a kinda sorta demonic entity.
Yeah, sure we decapitated him, but it could happen! Right? Right?! ;v;
Man beheading doesn’t even mean a thing.
We beheaded both Nef and Onyxia and they came back in the same raid.
reblogged your post and added:
Teeeeeechnically he was never dead, just taking a nice nap while the Legion took care of his soul.
True, Demon Hunters can be summoned back to life just like actual demons.
But we thought we had killed him.
Chris Metzen: We’re going back in time!

Chris Metzen: Also remember this guy you killed?

Chris Metzen: This guy. Yeah next expansion he’s alive again.
Also just because of all of this ~discourse~ Teldoren is now a paladin and a dragon.
Dragons are primordial beings of ancient knowledge and power beyond any mortals comprehension.
Then there’s Van who is the equivalent of a three legged dog who thinks hiding behind a houseplant is somehow going to make him invisible.
To be fair: that would more or less work, if he hid behind Tev.
silverruby: “And if I teach the mortals, will it make me great? Look into my future, drake, and tell me how magnificent I will be. Perhaps then, I will lend my mighty aid.” Abragos raised an eye ridge, looking down at the bronze drake with a strange hunger in his eyes, the
“And if I teach the mortals, will it make me great? Look into my future, drake, and tell me how magnificent I will be. Perhaps then, I will lend my mighty aid.” Abragos raised an eye ridge, looking down at the bronze drake with a strange hunger in his eyes, the unmistakable thirst for glory.
He’s so full of himself lmao he’s almost disgusting. Like a giant cat who likes to be lavished with praise. He’s certainly taken a liking to varae-ver-you-are‘s Varaelian.
Just a sketch thing, didn’t really get a chance to paint over to clean it up. Off to work I go.
lexicaloracle: i don’t care if it’s 500 fucking dragons, that’s still a pittance compared to how many PCs exist. dragons weren’t put in the game to be some commonplace trash mob. they’re raid bosses for a reason. they’re fucking dragons for fuck’s sake. Well
i don’t care if it’s 500 fucking dragons, that’s still a pittance compared to how many PCs exist. dragons weren’t put in the game to be some commonplace trash mob. they’re raid bosses for a reason. they’re fucking dragons for fuck’s sake.
Well that’s provably wrong with like five minutes of research:
Here’s a list of all the hostile dragon NPCs who aren’t bosses:

Here’s part of the list of the 47 dragons who are instance bosses:

There are literally thousands of dragonkin NPCs in the game:

There are, in fact, 3x more dragonkin NPCs in the game than there are argent crusade defenders in the Battle for Lights Hope Chapel (There were 300 defenders of the light opposing 10,000 Scourge) Meanwhile I don’t see anyone saying that Argent Crusade RP is unrealistic because there “just aren’t that many paladins.” But hey, you continue playing your ~special snowflake~ paladin.