keialaar: acceptmyshaft: acceptmyshaft: acceptmyshaft: acceptmyshaft: this is honestly the cutest thing that’s happened to me on wow. i had to leave a very long dungeon queue and minimized wow so i could do some irl stuff – i always like to lay down ‘cause it looks cute
this is honestly the cutest thing that’s happened to me on wow.
i had to leave a very long dungeon queue and minimized wow so i could do some irl stuff – i always like to lay down ‘cause it looks cute even if it takes a little extra effort (typing /lie instead of just pressing x or afking). when i came back i saw this guy (black druid) laying next to me without saying anything. i took this screenie and was about to initiate conversation but he left before I could 🙁 i don’t know why i find it so cute. maybe because i was in a very populated area and i wasn’t expecting anyone to notice a lonely lil’ tauren sleepin’ on the ground, or that they’d take the time for a moment of silent cute. i dunno.
thanks, stranger. it made me happy.
i had the chance to talk to them this time. i returned from afk mode and was immediately greeted, followed with one of them saying, “you were afk and came back with a family”
i thanked them for keeping my poor afk body some company and giving me a smile before logging out for the night. thanks, guys. really.
Things like this always make me inexplicably happy. Like, I’ll afk and alt-tab, coming back to find people around me on the same mount as me? I dunno, it’s just a nice feeling.
Every time I start losing faith that other players have lost the sense of whimsy and sweetness in the game, I run across something like this and it’s restorative. :3