I want to see less “you don’t have to stay in a relationship with someone who’s asexual if you don’t want to” and more “there is nothing wrong word being asexual” and “you don’t have to stay in a relationship with someone who’s allosexual”. Asexuals are already scared they are never going to find someone who will stay with them, someone who would want them and you want to make the people who LEAVE them feel better? Of course no one should stay in a relationship that they don’t like, but their partners aren’t the ones who need support. I’m so sick of this, because I see these posts all the time, but I NEVER see any posts directed to the asexuals who are insecure and scared because of this exact thing. People talk about how it makes them feel unwanted, sure do that, but I think we should talk more about how unwanted asexuals already feel.