One legitimately weird thing about Tumblr is that when you reblog a post, you have full editing power over the original caption. Sometimes that’s funny, sometimes it’s not—but in any case it’s something that’s concerned a lot of you for a while now. We’re finally fixing it.
Starting today, people will be able to reblog your posts with all of its captions intact, or with all of them removed, but they won’t be
i’m seriosuly trying to get over my surgery and heal, I’m on pain medicine, and I am not in the fucking mood. please don’t send me asks anymore about it, don’t try to talk to me about it, I am done.
someone: I’m so confused bc I think I’m asexual but every once in a while _____ happens or I kind of feel ____ sometimes? so maybe I’m not? but i feel asexual usually so idk?
So one of the coolest, most intriguing parts of Steven Universe to me is the concept of fusion. I am a huge frickin nerd and I will spend hours just sitting here trying to comprehend what it must be like to experience being a fusion.
For a long time though, there have been certain things that have had me stumped:
1) How could Pearl hide her intentions from Rose and Garnet during their respective fusions?
2) How could Jasper not realized Lapis was going to trap her while there were fused as Malachite?
3) Why was Alexandrite so quiet and (imo) uninteresting during fusion cuisine, despite being a fusion of so many gems?
Before, I was under the assumption that when gems were in sync during a fusion, their minds “melded” and became one. However, the above scenarios wouldn’t make sense if that were the case.
But then I realized, we’ve been blatantly told how fusion works. And during one of the most memorable episodes at that.
“I am their conversation.” What if we take this statement as literally as possible?
How about this: When gems are fused, each gem in the fusion is actually having a conversation with each other. In order to stay fused, the gems have to communicate, agree, compromise, debate and plan together. When this is done perfectly, their voices “sync up”, and the fusion’s amalgam personality arises.
At the same time, whenever gems within a fusion have a difficult time communicating, the fusion’s personality dissolves and each gem speaks separately through the fusion’s mouth.
The concept of fusion as conversation also perfectly explains how Pearl could hide information all the time during fusions, as well as how Lapis could fool Jasper while becoming Malachite. Because a fusion can only know what each gem discloses.
THIS ALSO MAKES ALEXANDRITE FRICKIN HILARIOUS. She wasn’t quiet and to herself because she lacked personality. She barely talked because Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst, and Pearl were so awkward and had no idea what to say or do. But she had a stoic face because they all agreed they had to play it cool.
Viewing fusions as conversations just changed so much for me about this show, there’s a lot of little things I’ve noticed that I don’t want to get into cause this is already really long. Overall, it’s deepened my appreciate of the fact that fusions are metaphors for relationships. Remember what Garnet said to Stevonnie:
“You are not two people. You are not one person. You are an experience.”
Because relationships aren’t about changing, or gaining, or becoming something new. Relationships aren’t about who you are as individuals or as a group. Relationships are what is created between people. They’re the result of conversation and contribution and compromise. They are an experience.
First of all I just want to say thank you all so much for making this dumb little side blog fun to update. I really love all of the stuff I’ve learned in the last year and a half since starting this blog, and I’m very appreciative of the awesome people I’ve met because of it.
trollmonk can attest to how many times I’ve thought about doing some sort of graphics giveaway, but I always eventually chickened out because I was like ‘noBODY WANTS THIS STUFFF’ (or it would turn into a battle pet giveaway which would then be dropped because lbr none of my bpets are cool). NOT THIS TIME THOUGH. I really want to give back to you all in the only way I know how; SO, without further ado
First Prize Winner:
1 Wallpaper of a character and in-game location of your choosing
1 twitch banner and offline message of a character of your choosing OR (if you don’t have twitch) a (6-9) pack of tumblr/forum avatars and graphics for your blog
1 forum signature of a character of your choosing
Second Prize Winner
1 twitch banner and offline messege of a character of your choosing OR a (6-9) pack of tumblr/forum avatars and graphics for your blog
1 forum signature of a character of your choosing
Third Prize Winner
1 forum signature of a character of your choosing
Must be following me. You can unfollow after the giveaway if you’d like!
Likes and Reblogs both count, and you can Reblog as many times as you like
Winners have to contact me within 2 days of the giveaway ending, otherwise I’ll pick someone new
Everyone is speculating on what a new race or class might be and I honestly can’t think of much that would be relevant except maybe a mail caster shadow hunter type thing.
Honestly though I’d be happy if they put all that effort into more customization options instead. Subraces instead of a new race. Mag’har orcs, leper gnomes, dark iron dwarves, half-elf humans, Amani trolls, wretched blood elves, elven Forsaken, broken Draenei, more worgen variety (arctic wolves?), goblins– um. Fatter goblins. Sure. A less muscular and bluer-skinned highborne model. Taunka.
Like instead of pulling some mildly relevant nonsense out I would totally take more customization.