Month: May 2015


The more annoying life becomes the more I just dive straight into RP stuff or drawing bullshit. 

I’m an adult.


Why can’t “I just don’t feel like going out” be acceptable reason for not going out? Why do I always feel like I have to make up some bullshit excuse

elixiroverdose: idk even know how to explains necks here is my attempt after a suggestionline of action, bunch of lines, considering poses helps a lot in making it easier??! but have fun, take these tips and make it better. Please look at references, there is no harm when you are


idk even know how to explains necks here is my attempt after a suggestion

line of action, bunch of lines, considering poses helps a lot in making it easier??! but have fun, take these tips and make it better. Please look at references, there is no harm when you are learning. Full res. available on my Patreon 

sorry text is so SMALLLL but click for bigger image ye :u

