ultrafacts: William (Billy to his friends), was quickly rising up the ranks of the 1st Battalion of the Royal Welsh, an infantry battalion of the British Army. (Goats, you see, have a long history in the British army, serving since the American Revolutionary War onward.) At the
William (Billy to his friends), was quickly rising up the ranks of the 1st Battalion of the Royal Welsh, an infantry battalion of the British Army. (Goats, you see, have a long history in the British army, serving since the American Revolutionary War onward.) At the age of six, he had earned the rank of Lance Corporal and had even snagged an overseas commission, serving in the ranks in Cyprus.
But it was Billy’s first stint overseas where everything started to go south. Perhaps it was the new environment. Perhaps the pressure got to him. Perhaps he was just feeling rambunctious. Whatever the cause, at a parade celebrating the Queen’s 80th birthday in June of 2006 on the south coast of Cyprus, Billy went buck wild. Despite repeated orders, he refused to keep in line during his regimental parade. His handler, Lance Corporal Dai Davies, was unable to control Billy. During one particularly dark moment, he attempted to headbutt a drummer. [x]