Month: April 2015


I wanted to give one of my undeads a French surname but wasn’t sure if I should because it really doesn’t make sense

and then I realized there are orcs talking with an Austrian accent so fuck it, reason is out of the window anyway.

me, ordering a drink at starbucks: i’ll have a large caramel macchiato
barista: you mean a venti?
me, understanding that the barista does not make up the names for the sizes and it is in fact part of her job to clarify what i am ordering to avoid mistakes in my order: yeah, a venti. thanks.

me looking at my art from 5 years ago: ugh burn it
me looking at my art from 3 years ago: ugh burn it
me looking at my art from last year: ugh burn it
me looking at my art from yesterday: ugh burn it

This shouldn’t even be a surprise 

This shouldn’t even be a surprise 

Not even sorry

Not even sorry