



friendly ace reminder: there’s probably much more aces than 1% of the population because there’s like zero asexual awareness, many people have no idea they are actually asexual and/or they’re confusing romantic and sexual orientation… also that 1% survey is like 10 years old, AVEN was only starting back then and the community was pretty much non-existent… lately i’ve found out that some of my real life friends are actually ace so really, it’s not that uncommon… it can be just hard to find out who you are in an over-sexualised society such as ours where boys are afraid to admit it because they’re raised to believe banging is the best thing ever and girls think they’re just “being girls” and not wanting to bang is the norm for them, so… anyway, what i’ve been trying to say is… WE EXIST AND YOU’RE NOT ALONE, YAY

some great tags that prove my point:


I keep finding new ace friends, or finding ‘Asexual’ on a new mutual’s ‘about me’ 

Talked about asexuality with my bro. 

Found out my brother is  aro-ace and didn’t realize there was a definition for that.

Ace siblings and we didn’t know it till last month. 


Fun fact, even though I’ve never dated or held a romantic relationship, I considered myself “bi” for a long time because I realized I found boys and girls equally attractive.

And then it became Ace after I realized that was a thing. As it turns out, I am equally attracted to the sexes. But that attraction for them is still zero.