That the Iron Horde’s grand total of destruction against the forces of Azeroth includes:
One Alliance/Kirin Tor fort destroyed
That’s it.
By comparison, murlocs have done more damage and poise a greater threat to the peoples of…
>One Alliance/Kirin’Tor fort destroyed
>Hundreds, possibly thousands of Draenei and Frostwolf orcs dead to fuel the dark portal alone
>The entire Vanguard that was slaughtered so that we could force our way in to protect people we know for a fact are good because a lawful, benevolent group of entities known as the naaru have told us so
>Aiding and Abetting a known War Criminal (In fact, they sprung him from his trial)
>Thousands dead at the Battle of Shattrath
>Draenei holy sites and Orcish burial grounds defiled
>Continuing to seek a way to invade Azeroth, even after the Portal’s destruction
yeah the iron horde don’t pose a threat at all right