Knight by Mineworker
pidgeonsandpeeps: Knight by Mineworker
farstrider-retreat:“This shall be your final resting place”Lady Deathwhisper from the Assault on Icecrown Citadel TCG Raid Deck.Art by Daarken
“This shall be your final resting place”
Lady Deathwhisper from the Assault on Icecrown Citadel TCG Raid Deck.
Art by Daarken
melfias: Read More
aboutmidi:“So the guy in the row next to me purchased a seat for his Cello. While boarding, different flight attendants would walk past and tell him he couldn’t have it there and he kept producing a ticket for the seat." (source datman519/reddit, via imgur)
“So the guy in the row next to me purchased a seat for his Cello. While boarding, different flight attendants would walk past and tell him he couldn’t have it there and he kept producing a ticket for the seat."
(source datman519/reddit, via imgur)
I have a series of Death Knights that have come together after the battle of light’s hope chapel to create a pseudo family to make sense of their new undead life.
Tev went to Northrend with Brereton (my human DK) after Light’s Hope but they had a falling out after Arthas died, and no longer speak to each other.
catsbeaversandducks: Cats Who Have Found the Perfect Box
Cats Who Have Found the Perfect Box
icyvveins: Hello friend, I am tumblr user icyvveins and I desperately need money! I’m planning on moving out, and I need money to purchase a plane ticket as well as have some leeway with baggage+other possible unexpected expenses. Currently I have ~$170 USD, but I need at LEAST
Hello friend, I am tumblr user icyvveins and I desperately need money! I’m planning on moving out, and I need money to purchase a plane ticket as well as have some leeway with baggage+other possible unexpected expenses. Currently I have ~$170 USD, but I need at LEAST $300 just to have a bit of a buffer.
I draw mostly World of Warcraft art, but I will draw literally anything. Your OCs? Yes. NSFW/Smutty art? Yep. That one thing you’re embarrassed about but still want commission art of? Sure thing.
I will only accept payment through paypal, at this time. Please, if you’re interested in my art drop me a message on tumblr OR email me at!
icyvveins: tev likes to commission my hell aka armorlove u still doe
bonerfart:this looks like the kinda pic 40 year old moms would post on facebook with the caption “the doctor said I could only have one glass of wine a day… I can live with that lol!”
this looks like the kinda pic 40 year old moms would post on facebook with the caption “the doctor said I could only have one glass of wine a day… I can live with that lol!”
deathweaver: shallow:COMMISSION BUT FOR ME THIS TIME !!! by avali. frick. frick. avali is so good. frick. HUSBANDS!!
COMMISSION BUT FOR ME THIS TIME !!! by avali. frick. frick. avali is so good. frick.