
More doodlin’, this time it’s the goofball paladins with one of their mentors.

Just to note, the man is a priest and husband of a paladin named Antonius who was Marcus’ teacher and later on decided to train Cel as well, probably hoping that she’ll be more competent than his former goofy student. Until she approached him with a “I think I’m in love with your friend what do?” question, that is. 

The battle priest, Lefter, was badly injured in one of the first battles with the Scourge, and while he survived, he couldn’t walk anymore. That, of course, did not affect his abilities in any way, and he helped out as a healer during the war. At this point both men are retired, to an extent, and stay in Hearthglen, probably silently hoping that their reckless students won’t get themselves killed. 

Blah blah blah.