




I think we need more than a small conversion nerf…


Mages have higher representation in high ranking 3’s than DKs do, yet everyone says they are bad. 

Edit: also hiimdarson is this 3’s or 2’s? because if its 2’s who gives a shit lol

Probably 2’s, but just becuase it’s 2’s doesn’t mean there isn’t a GROSS imbalance in their design. Mages have a higher representation in 3’s because their class is literally designed around playing -with- other classes. DK’s are just inherently strong, to the point that it’s borderline broken. Their self-healing might not mean squat when they have to deal with double DPS focusing them down, but they still have way more available to them than -other- classes that fulfill the same role. Also anyone who says mages are bad are just tools. They aren’t strong solo players, because you can -survive- their burst, and once that’s out, they’re out until the CD’s are back up. So they have no way to close out a fight.

DKs are melee wizards, essentially. And their only job is to trade harder than others. DKs have less cc, less mobility, less utility than any other melee class in the game. Believe me, I would trade conversion for a heroic leap or a shockwave or hand of freedom or bop or a blind. 

Frost DKs in no way shape or form needed the latest buffs they got. Their damage IS ridiculous. it IS stupid. does it need nerfs? i think it just needs to be reverted. the problem isn’t with the DK class, its the problem with the SPEC. you see all those DKs? theyre frost. every single one. traditionally UH has ALWAYS been better in arenas, especially 3s, and its considered poopy right now. thats when you know theres a problem.

Also the OP saying that it was “a small” conversion nerf is an idiot. they increased the cost by 50%. That is a huge deal lol. I doubt youll see anyone but blood dks running it anymore.

Conversion has always been shit for blood DKs actually. It’s even more shit now that the RP from death coil triggers Shadow of Death. 100 RP ends up being 9% extra health.