Month: November 2014



white people can blow up shit and riot for sports events and it’s all laughs but black people hold up signs and they call in the military

I brought this up about 20 times at work tonight and each time the person I said it to took about 10 seconds of silence and then had this look like they had seen the face of a god they didn’t believe in.

Yeah mother fucker, yeah.


Ahh yes a pink tool set

Ahh yes a pink tool set

sakialyn: Commissioned from avionetca of my priestess, Xenus! Outfit was designed by her and I love it!! Her commissions are still open and you can find the information right here! 


Commissioned from avionetca of my priestess, Xenus! Outfit was designed by her and I love it!!

Her commissions are still open and you can find the information right here

embersign: Some commission WIPS for today. Figureds I’d just post to show what I’m doing! I’m not dead! XD


Some commission WIPS for today. Figureds I’d just post to show what I’m doing! I’m not dead! XD


Today my biology teacher asked me what I found attractive in men and I said their girlfriends, that is by far the highlight in my school career so far


 /looks at all these owl vines

/thins eyes

… wait a minute…
Little feathery eartufts… Owls… wise… birds… birbbirb… oows

Hold the phone! What if we were wrong the whole time?! What if the bloofbrows were simply just based on owly aesthetic?! This whole time they were just grumpy, screechy magic loving owls!

snowontheradio: AN EARLY BDAY GIFT FROM ME 2 U. If you can’t tell, this was actually quite rushed—an extension on a previous project for this class (oh, I totally turned this in for a grade, by the way) and various other surprises gave me only a few days to do 12 pages, a



If you can’t tell, this was actually quite rushed—an extension on a previous project for this class (oh, I totally turned this in for a grade, by the way) and various other surprises gave me only a few days to do 12 pages, a 5-color screenprinted color, printing, binding, and setting up a con table. I marathoned the cover and the pages over two consecutive all-nighters, nearly passed out due to not eating for a 36 hour period, and produced my favorite ever class comic. You better fucking BELIEVE I got an A on this sexy bastard.

Not gonna lie, from conception to completion the only reason I wanted to do this comic was to draw gross-lookin’ flustered vampires and a sexy buff anime secretary. I strung the plot together as best I can but by god, I knew what I wanted and something as feeble as ‘logic’ or ‘good taste’ stood no chance against my burning desire to produce fanservice.

Cover looks like this, by the way:

Hard to tell from the overexposed photo, but the paper is inkwashed and there is hand-applied glitter allllll over this bad boy. There’s a back cover too, but I’ll have to wait to photograph everything properly. I also made, like, 50 copies of this, so even after selling a bunch I hope to offer them online at some point…?