Month: October 2014



Why was the healing legendary cloak challenge like 100% easier then the ranged dps one….tf?

as a druid healer, I confirm this

Ranged DPS one was the hardest. Melee DPS was EZ and tank was also easy once I stopped doing it on my shitty macbook air keyboard. (Mind you I think I bugged out the ranged DPS challenge and ended up doing something like 14M DPS)


This is going to be an interesting transition— I don’t currently have an external of any sort (going to try getting one this week), so I’ll still be needing this old machine for commission work while I get everything transferred over. There will probably be a slight delay on them regardless as I get everything set up!

Also auuugh this thing is a few inches wider than my old one and the keyboard is so weird. I am going to take 800 years getting used to this keyboard. Raid fatfingers incoming.

Even easier: Make sure the laptop thinks its connected to a home network check to make sure file and print sharing is turned on (it probably is) then go to \<shithowdysoldlaptop>C$ in explorer on the new computer. 

Enter an admin’s username/password (you’re probably one already) and voilà you now have access to the entire hard drive.

rokskullmauler: Orc Monk


Orc Monk


kinds of pairings i’m all about

  • height differences
  • high contrasting designs like light and dark colors
  • happy one with the grumpy one

bonus points if

  • the grumpy one gets embarrassed by kisses
  • the short one is the grumpy one
  • the happy one’s presence makes the grumpy one really shy

arosorcidae: oboondasta: ORC ORC ORC ORC ORC comm for @arosorcidae (why wont tumblr let me link youuUUU) I have no idea why tumblr is doing that BUT THIS IS SO GOOD :D




comm for @arosorcidae (why wont tumblr let me link youuUUU)

I have no idea why tumblr is doing that BUT THIS IS SO GOOD 😀