Sometimes having a kawaii DK boyfriend is hard.
Daytime reblog
A copy of Tevruden's blog because I don't Trust Like that anymore.
So I had a dream there was a new dungeon and adries’s Selynth was one of the bosses.
But that’s not the best part.
The BEST part was that by beating her you got a moped mount and a cute rabbit pet.
If I had an explanation I would give you one now but I don’t really have any so you’ll have to deal with being as baffled as I am.
I need to know how many times in the dream Sely mind controlled the priest in your group and use it to heal herself?
Usually their dates consist of finding some acceptable target, slaughtering it mercilessly, then going home for more sparring.
Occasionally Tev will drag Feiyn to some sort of Sin’dorei function (where they will both get bored very quickly and then leave early.) Feiyn does the same thing with Tev, only the function is typically science-related (underground robot fighting rings count as science, right?)
Because we all love inappropriate questions about our OCs.
I should probably close some of this shit
Idk how to add photos to photo posts but I made this for you
Sometimes having a kawaii DK boyfriend is hard.
This picture isn’t quite as great as it could be: