I was running around org farting around like normal when…
I was… spotted…
She stood in front of me, a lowly little elf.
And She wanted to… Surprise me.
I’m not sure why not hacking was so important – I was expecitng to see her start flying, or my character suddenly disappear but no. So I followed her, as she requested.
She led me here, behind the bank in org… I seriously thought I was about to get mugged.
THEN SHE TOOK OFF HER CLOTHES AND STARTED TO GIVE MY MAGE A LAP DANCE. (Froo wasn’t even there and could feel a disturbance in the force)
Poor Xiun needed to remind everyone in Orgrimmar of his sexuality.
Now the thing is… I wasn’t the only one. We saw the evil enchantress lure many an unsuspecting victim behind the bank. There was a poor lowbie paladin who kept key turning in circles, unsure if he should stay or run very, very far away.
And of course everyone had to watch.
Oh fuck
She ended up walking over to us asking who wanted a dance. Me, freaking out too much, resorted to my final defense mechanism.