

The old commission sheet was long overdue for an overhaul, so here we go!  Some minor price adjustments were made for the sketches and inks.  But the big news is that I’ll be running a summer special!

Until the end of August (that means August 30th 2014), monochromatic headshots will be $25!  And color headshots will be $30!  Wowwie zowie!

This is a limited time offer!  After August 30th, both prices will be bumped up back to normal.  ($35 and $45 respectively)

For more information on commissions, please visit my commission page.   All the info there should be updated to reflect the current pricing. If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to me at: yutrio (at) gmail (dot) com.

Since I’m unsure on the reception this will be getting, I’ll be limiting commission slots to the first three inquries.  I’ll be sure to keep people posted should they start filling up.

Finally, even if you can’t buy a commission, I would appreciate it if you reblog and signal boost this!  I would really love to have a wider audience to show off my work, and that can happen with your help!

Thank you so much for your support!

(PS: I’ll be tagging this as yutrio art commissions)

Reblogging for the evening crowd!