Hearthstone tournament explains why women aren’t allowed to play
“In accordance with the International e-Sports Federation’s (IeSF) tournament regulations, since the main tournament event is open to male players only. This is to avoid possible conflicts (e.g. a female player eliminating a male player during RO8) among other things.”
What the actual fuck?
This seems to amount to “We want to be taken seriously as a sport, and since other sports don’t let men and women play together, we won’t either.”
Really? Really?!
what the fucking fuck
Actually reblogging again to highlight this little gem:
“This is to avoid possible conflicts (e.g. a female player eliminating a male player during RO8) among other things.”
Like, uhh, what? If a conflict is going to arise because a player eliminates another player then gender is not your issue.
This article pretty much says that part of their reasoning is that conflict my arise because the fragile egos of some male e-athletes might not be able to cope with being beaten by a girl.
This is hella dumb:
“Your information is indeed correct, the tournament is open to Finnish male players only,” said Markus “Olodyn” Koskivirta, head admin of the Assembly Summer 2014 Hearthstone IeSF Qualifier, in a statement to PC Gamer. “In accordance with the International e-Sports Federation’s (IeSF) tournament regulations, since the main tournament event is open to male players only. This is to avoid possible conflicts (e.g. a female player eliminating a male player during RO8) among other things.”
Koskivirta’s argument is that, by allowing women into their qualifier, there’s a risk that the winner wouldn’t be eligible to enter the IeSF’s World Championship final.