Hearthstone tournament explains why women aren’t allowed to play
“In accordance with the International e-Sports Federation’s (IeSF) tournament regulations, since the main tournament event is open to male players only. This is to avoid possible conflicts (e.g. a female player eliminating a male player during RO8) among other things.”
What the actual fuck?
Reason #239519 I need Feminism. I hope Blizzard does something about this
God fuckin dAMMIT
If blizzard knows about this and doesn’t do anything or worse supports it I /will/ quit wow no matter how much I like it
to avoid possible conflicts (e.g. a female player eliminating a male player during RO8)
so you’re keeping women out of competitive gaming because…women might beat men at competitive gaming?????????????
in a competition???????????????
where the whole point is to beat your opponents?????????????
masculinity is apparently the most fragile force on earth to be shattered by the mere concept of a loss against a different gender
Better remove all female characters from all tournaments. Wouldn’t want to damage a dude’s ego because he lost to chun li.
The unfortunate thing is, if you read the whole story, the whole “a woman might beat a man” thing isn’t that particular tournament having weird hangups about male egos, it’s because for the larger tournament they’re trying to win a place at doesn’t allow women to play most of the games men do. Women can’t compete at Dota, Hearthstone, or Street Fighter, guys can’t compete at Tekken, and men and women can’t compete against each other at Starcraft. So if a woman won the Hearthstone tournament the Finnish champion would be ineligible to compete at the IeSF World Championship.
Because apparently the IeSF is under the impression that saying “girls can’t play Street Fighter and Boys can’t play Tekken” makes them seem more like a “legitimate” sports organization to the world at large outside of eSports.