The baby cockatiel was trying really hard to eat the cursor. Also he’s five weeks old today.
sunnybutte: The baby cockatiel was trying really hard to eat the cursor. Also he’s five weeks old today.
Here! Have a prompt! 10. Does Oliver have any emotional shortcomings?
10. Some of their emotional shortcomings?
He has an excessively destructive martyr complex (fed by his excessively destructive guilt complex), much to the frustration and anger of people who care about him. The more he’s getting damaged in the name of “doing the right thing”, the better he feels about himself.
Worth it.
Worth it.
Ghouls are so dumb (Feat: Oliver & Casketchewer)
lobstmourne: lobstmourne: IMMUNE IMMUNE IMMUNE step back son this is a hate free zone
oh god ghouls are so dumb.
You’re a really cool dk who i look up to a lot, when it comes to your tanking abilities. A+ absolute best blood dk, best dk in general.
Thanks anon! Blood DK is probably like my favorite spec in the game now that they have ruined feral druid.