Look at Tev and his commanding officer.
A copy of Tevruden's blog because I don't Trust Like that anymore.
Look at Tev and his commanding officer.
WoD mage babies incoming…
Mages confirmed for having Power Word: Pregnancy next expansion.
I am asking for help.
I hit a rough spot last night and things aren’t looking great at the moment, but if possible, I am asking for donations to help get out of this shitty position. I can tell you details of it over an ask, but I’d prefer not to say here.
I need to raise about 400$ so if there is anyone out there who can help me at all, I would be appreciative of anything you can give.
- Black Arrow’s periodic effect now has a chance each time it deals damage to cause the next 2 Explosive Shots to cost no Focus and not trigger a cooldown. This effect is guaranteed to activate at least once.
at least once… when?
Once a cooldown?
Once an hour?
Once a week?
Once a year?
Once an expansion?
Once a decade?
Once a century?
Once a milennia?
Once in the existance of the entire universe!?
You all get zero context on this.
archmage-proudmoore replied to your post: This is a thing I own now
Where did you get this, I must ask.
I had to trawl google for a place that sold it because it’s no longer being sold by J!nx
This is a thing I own now