I’m so mad and grossed out right now. People whispered me with pretense that my MRP was neat and then kinda slyly asked me how my character would react to theirs and the premise kinda pinged my “creep alarm” and eventually I bluntly asked them what their deal was:
[09:49:26] To [Senayel]:…
Thank you so much for including my name on Tumblr. It was so inspiring I actually made a Tumblr to make a comment. Being how obvious it is that I am -that- Senayel, I assume that the hate train can begin. You see, on Moon Guard, I have been there for a long time. Since the start of BC. SO, quite awhile. Everyone knows I’m a pervert, or rather I have fetishes and I don’t try to hide them. […]
making ocs and drawing ocs and writing information for ocs and making canon information for ocs and your ocs interacting with other people’s ocs [rips off shirt] OCS
Thinking of running a freebie headshot stream some time next week, any interest?
Not sure what day or what time yet, but if there is any interest, comment or +like or whatever this post.
reblogging this again so more people notice — I want to see how much interest there is… it’s always embarrassing to hold a stream and have no one turn up, so…