skigra: Heather Campbell
“You’re the clumsiest person I know.”
“Yes, well.” Varaelian tugged hard on the thread that kept Tevruden’s arm from falling off, “You need me.”
“I could have easily just reattached it.” Tevruden’s protests fell on deaf ears as the paladin kept going, stitch after stitch he waited for him to finish, “It didn’t require this."
"Your arm got taken off, Tevruden. It’s not like regenerating part of your ear! And you wouldn’t have had to have me do this if you didn’t take the blasted thing and beat people to death with it! I have half a mind to just rip your hand off and smack you with it.” Van stared at him for a long moment, tying off the last of his sutures with a burning light, “Idiot."
"At least I don’t fall off of things like tables.”
Best orc girlfriend.
Best orc girlfriend.
latinwords: OKAY FINE I’LL MAKE A SECOND PHOTOSET. More old art. I think I posted one or two of these as gallery buffers when I first joined tumblr but literally nobody saw them so whatever (and I know the old!chadley and lorcan one has been reposted by other people). Again,
- March 2012
- April 2012
- March 2012
- October 2010
- December 2011
- February 2011 (when I was stuck with MSpaint forever)
- October 2010
- August 2011
- March 2012
- December 2011
OKAY FINE I’LL MAKE A SECOND PHOTOSET. More old art. I think I posted one or two of these as gallery buffers when I first joined tumblr but literally nobody saw them so whatever (and I know the old!chadley and lorcan one has been reposted by other people).
Again, dates are in the captions. This one has some characters that aren’t mine or abby’s- 2nd and 5th belong to thenatureofsin and paracoma, respectively.
You can really really tell how much he is not liking that bath.
Challenge modes (Wyrmrest)
Anyone interested in Challenge Modes (Hordeside?)
I’m doing them on my Priest, finally, but would much rather have them on my Warlock because dat Illidan-looking shit. mm.
Could use a tank, healer, and/or an ele shaman. Any ranged dps, actually, fug it.
Yo. I want to do them on multiple toons so. yeah. 😀
I have a blood DK (and maybe a prot paladin) that I can lend
I just put my tablet pen in my desk drawer. LETS SEE HOW LONG IT IS UNTIL I FORGET ITS THERE
Fantasy lizard people where the females don’t have breasts they just figured out that bras are perfect for holding heat packs.
Fantasy lizard people where the males figured this out too and can’t understand why humans keep mistaking them for females because obviously they have five brow spikes not six like females do??
I have a dire need for this.
latinwords: Closing down my dA account, but I wanted to upload some of my older drawings/sketches here. They’re marked with their dates in their captions. I feel like I used to put a lot more effort into my artwork- which I guess makes sense on some level; I didn’t get
- October 2011
- April 2011
- May 2011
- February 2012
- September 2011
- March 2012
- Spring 2009
- September 2012
- March 2012
- October 2010
Closing down my dA account, but I wanted to upload some of my older drawings/sketches here. They’re marked with their dates in their captions.
I feel like I used to put a lot more effort into my artwork- which I guess makes sense on some level; I didn’t get headaches back then like I do now and could focus for a lot longer.
Second up from the bottom on the right is the very first finished drawing I did of Oliver back in 2009. <_>
There are some others I wanted to upload but I wasn’t going to make two photosets.
Commissions Opening Soon
Hey guys! I managed to land a decent job that allows me to work in the mornings and have the afternoons completely free, and while the schedule is great the pay is less than stellar (which is to be expected). So I decided to compensate by opening commissions soon.
In the past I’ve done the error of taking in too many commissions at a time, and I lost track of a few. This time I’ll take it easy and do one or two at a time on a first-come-first-serve basis. I’ll be posting a commission “master post” with examples and prices sometime in the next couple of days or so, if not sooner.
I know a lot of people have sent me asks about if I had commissions open and I said I would post about it when it is, so, yeah, here it is!