i was checking if this name was free on wyrmrest accord but i’m glad the person who has it is putting it to good use
kenway: i was checking if this name was free on wyrmrest accord but i’m glad the person who has it is putting it to good use
latinwords: Happy (almost) anniversary, Senkha and Oliver You still make no effin’ sense four years later
Happy (almost) anniversary, Senkha and Oliver
You still make no effin’ sense four years later
przemyslaw-art: Pencils by Eddie Nunez Inks by Justin Yang Colours by Przemysław Słowiński (me) Character belongs to Blizzard Entertainmentent
Pencils by Eddie Nunez
Inks by Justin Yang
Colours by Przemysław Słowiński (me)
Character belongs to Blizzard Entertainmentent
Meanwhile, while I wait for my BG queue
Meanwhile, while I wait for my BG queue
I already saw that on Tumblr.
(via funniestshit)
Things Death Knights Do
Things Death Knights Do
[ I thought Tev was on WRA, but is he on MG? I just saw a Tevruden with his MRP info in Silvermoon, got worried. :o ]
Sitting in the Royal Exchange on the SoO wolf? That was me. I have two death knights, both named Tevruden, with the same MRP.
This confuses the hell out of everyone.
varae-ver-you-are replied to your post: yo but can we talk about how Aethas is…
Needs more freckles.
omg freckled elfs with tiny little sunspots
I can’t deal with how cute that is goodbye
In Which Tevruden and Garrosh Share a Moment (of being compteley disgusted at Sylvanas.)
In Which Tevruden and Garrosh Share a Moment (of being compteley disgusted at Sylvanas.)
comedycentral: Click here to watch Jon Stewart discuss Kansas’s anti-gay legislation on last night’s Daily Show.
Click here to watch Jon Stewart discuss Kansas’s anti-gay legislation on last night’s Daily Show.