Month: February 2014

thelaughinghound: wow i fucking quit for now, lost my fucking finished outline cause I didn’t fuckin’ save it right


wow i fucking quit for now, lost my fucking finished outline cause I didn’t fuckin’ save it right

shandrethlar: narcissisticnethercite: Thought I’d try to do another animation test! I need to really work on it because woowowow there are a lot of errors and yes it hurts me because I see them Pretend she’s wearing a terrible bodysuit that has boots because I could not be



Thought I’d try to do another animation test! I need to really work on it because woowowow there are a lot of errors and yes it hurts me because I see them

Pretend she’s wearing a terrible bodysuit that has boots because I could not be bothered to try and draw clothing ;;

She’s supposed to be leaning back at the end but because I’m silly I didn’t even look up the pose (or reference myself, wow gj) and ye everYTHING IS AWKWARD AND WRONG and im just glad I managed to put something together haha

Rebloggin’ from Art blog


I was going through my old WoW pics and found this gem.


when my friend told her drug dealer that she was transgender he immediately started using the correct pronouns for her and her parents dont so theres an issue there

el-aatmik: reaction/reply images of recent make 1) dirk langdon and antaeus (dirk is flobotomy’s)3) adrasteius (deathweaver’s) and vaelios (varae-ver-you-are’s)4) antaeus and adrasteius6-8) ganymede (antaeus’ son!)and the rest are obviously antaeus bc i draw


reaction/reply images of recent make

1) dirk langdon and antaeus (dirk is flobotomy’s)
3) adrasteius (deathweaver’s) and vaelios (varae-ver-you-are’s)
4) antaeus and adrasteius
6-8) ganymede (antaeus’ son!)

and the rest are obviously antaeus bc i draw him a lot and he’s my lovely dumb-dumb who’s easily startled/angered/made happy/etc

Oliver discovers an unnamed Old God, and promptly falls in love with its many-appendaged visage. /ducks


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missazabi-blog: →Arthas’s Betrayal“You no longer need to sacrifice for your people. You no longer need to bear the weight of your crown. I’ve taken care of everything.”


→Arthas’s Betrayal
“You no longer need to sacrifice for your people. You no longer need to bear the weight of your crown. I’ve taken care of everything.”