Month: January 2014

shithowdy: aw yeh next step: murder darion, take his place, see if anybody notices I ever find a way to get Corrupted Ashbringer, the first thing all of you guys will see is my Darion Mograine impression.


aw yeh

next step: murder darion, take his place, see if anybody notices

I ever find a way to get Corrupted Ashbringer, the first thing all of you guys will see is my Darion Mograine impression.

marielikestodraw: the last frame of the second gif is basically where you can see in the cat’s eyes that this is it, he’s so done


the last frame of the second gif is basically where you can see in the cat’s eyes that this is it, he’s so done

New PvP season



We’re planning an additional PvP season for mists. Details on end of season rewards, timeline, & new gear to come soon.

from Holinka’s twitter.


Who wants to carry me so I can get the missing 6 pieces of grievous? Anyone? Anyone????


I wonder if that means Prideful PVP gear is going to be  ilvl 553

jamesab: [x]/[x] by [Devin Platts] [x]/[x] by [Devin Platts] [x] by [Rob Laro] [x] by [Adam Ford] [x] by [Paul Richards] [x] by [Ekana] (Can’t find her profile.)


[x]/[x] by [Devin Platts]

[x]/[x] by [Devin Platts]

[x] by [Rob Laro]

[x] by [Adam Ford]

[x] by [Paul Richards]

[x] by [Ekana] (Can’t find her profile.)