


So using Falling Flame with Slow Fall in Dalaran gave interesting results. I was launched past Hrothgar’s Landing, and I found the edge of the world.

When I died from fatigue, as I knew would happen, I think the game got a bit confused about what to do.

First time playing World of Warcraft back in 2006 at Tirisfal Glades (Spelling?) I found the edge of the coast and used a swim speed potion. I ended up dying of fatigue and respawning..at the crossroads. I ended up leveling there instead. 

this is actually one of the ways you can skip the worgen starting zone

you gotta do some crafty wall jumping (and have a 25 guild for the small movement speed boost) and you go near some corner-edge of the world and die, boop, you’re in westfall

This is what happens when you die and the game doesn’t know where you are (aka: what area you’re supposed to be in.) Since it doesn’t know that, it will automatically drop you into the default graveyard, which is the Crossroads for Horde and Westfall for Alliance.