Month: August 2013

isei-silva: Aneatria doodle


Aneatria doodle

ever-brooding-prince-deactivate: don’t be alarmed you’ll come to no harm I promise, cross my heart


don’t be alarmed

you’ll come to no harm

I promise, cross my heart

vesiel: Art trade for Alvarado of his monk!


Art trade for Alvarado of his monk!

heaffycow: Finished!  I wanted to try drawing one of the Ethereals from WoW after I just finished up Loremaster of Outlands in Netherstorm yesterday haha. :)



I wanted to try drawing one of the Ethereals from WoW after I just finished up Loremaster of Outlands in Netherstorm yesterday haha. 🙂

princeofathousandswords: my super buff troll druid serfang. i want her to be a gurubashi dire troll, which she attained through lots of blood drinking… but not sure if she’s buff enough…. or scarred enough. :P or really certain about troll lore at all.


my super buff troll druid serfang. i want her to be a gurubashi dire troll, which she attained through lots of blood drinking… but not sure if she’s buff enough…. or scarred enough. 😛 or really certain about troll lore at all.