yshaarj: ahahahaahahaaaaaa
Planning a big overhaul of my WoW accounts. Many are being moved, even more deleted. Has my altoholicism come to an end?
No. Nope. Not in the least. I’m just spreading out.
this explains why you keept blinking into and out of existance
ragewang: trolls are a mystery better left alone (because they smell) I’d like to think that the difficulty of figuring this out has caused several troll wars.
trolls are a mystery better left alone
(because they smell)
I’d like to think that the difficulty of figuring this out has caused several troll wars.
rcjohnso: New Beverly Cinema projection room Los Angeles
Fucking mogus.
Fucking mogus.
I always salute other Death Knights, even if they’re of the opposite faction.
It seems right.
monsterfoundry: This is the best thing ever.
elksy: ragewang: orcs, mon fuck ‘em qwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwjkWWWWWWWWWWWWW SO CUTE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THANK AAA
orcs, mon
fuck ‘em