

his “life” will probably finally end during battle against the Legion

he channels Holy energy until he can feel his joints disintegrating and his muscles sliding off his bones

he looks to the Lich King – his Lich King – in his last moments and begs to know if he’s proud of him.

he retches from the taste of rotting which overcomes him as the Light floods through him and into the demons, who fall in scores before him. He feels fear for the first time in years, and the last time in his life.

Bolvar Fordragon nods to him.

the Prince of Stormwind finally exhausts himself once and for all.

#light magic has the effect of making undead feel mortal again #but also making them acutely aware of their existence as abominations #as well as hurting a fucktonne and being quite destructive to their integrity

GOsh I love this AU

I feel I need to bring this up again:

I was thinking that being healed by the Light would be especially painful by undead that wielded it while they were alive, since not only does it feel like you’re on fire, but this is also something that you used to use daily, and now it rejects you so utterly.

Now just think about trying to channel it.