get off garrosh’s dick already: Thrall is a dick.
rant incoming.
After doing the new Escalation quests. I noticed Thrall appears to help Vol’jin. Why. Why aren’t you there helping Garrosh Thrall? WHY ARE YOU BACKSTABBING HELLSCREAM INSTEAD OF HELPING HIM LIKE YOU…
Thrall is probably one of the few people who Garrosh would take some shit from without lashing back, because of who Thrall is and WHAT HE DID FOR THE ORC PEOPLE (something Garrosh would not disregard), but also what he did for specifically Garrosh by telling him about Grom and giving him purpose in life, but ALSO because he’s literally the only person alive who has been in Garrosh’s Warchief shoes. As aggressive and domineering as Garrosh can be as Warchief – whether it’s honorable Cata Garrosh or psycho-nutjob-Theramore Garrosh – running the Horde IS something that wears on him. The politics, the decisions, the responsibilities. If anything, Garrosh probably has MORE respect now for Thrall than before, since now he actually knows what a shitty job being Warchief actually is.
So yeah. Vol’jin saying Garrosh would kill Thrall on sight is…well, it’s a fair thing for VJ to say given what’s happened to him, but it’s ridiculous to imagine actually happening. And I don’t think Malkorok would try something, at least not directly, because forcing orcs to choose between Thrall and Garrosh would be a very risky decision. It’s one thing to push the Horde military into increasingly aggressive behavior against their enemies. It’s quite another to demand the Horde attack or kill someone who is quite literally the savior of their entire race.
And that’s just the common orc. Thrall loyalists like Eitrigg, Saurfang, and many others might frown and scowl about bombing Theramore, but try to kill Thrall and they will rip your head from your shoulders in a heartbeat. Attacking Thrall would be INSTANT civil war and even if Malkorok’s side won, it would be stupid costly and pretty much break the already-fragile peace within the Horde.
As for Thrall’s “Horde spilling Horde blood, it’s tearing me apart” line? I had the same reaction as most people; “WELL GEE MAYBE SOMEONE SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO CAIRNE”. And the line did sound super selfish and self-righteous and not acknowledging any responsibility. But is that the case? I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt for now, because maybe it’s tearing him apart BECAUSE he realizes that he did cause all of this to happen. Garrosh is certainly responsible for his own actions, but Thrall did give him the crown, so.
Granted, we haven’t seen this guilt or humility out of him yet, but he’s only had a few lines. We’ll see what happens when he shows up in Org, I guess.
“I love u” i whisper to my screen
I guess I just want them to communicate this shit in game and I want Thrall to be something like “Welp I tried talking to Garrosh several times, it’s time to go to Orgrimmar for more stronger measures. The Aspects await us within Wyrmrest. Hurry – come with me!”