my ui change has become less “make a new ui” and more “how many addons can i live without”
They are talking about desserts behind me
And they’ve said cinnamon like 20 times
And all I can think of
Lance, this is s13 Sexism is over
Lance, this is s13
Sexism is over
frines dfirneds if u are eve r like doin g icc 25 h horde side and need amronther person 2 come pls le tme e come bc i rly wan t thte title but im too shy 2 joi n ppels gorups
I was thinking about trying to put together one this weekend because i want heroic tokens and Shadowmourne.
I just started so I still have to get Festergut/Rotface bloods, do infusions, and the get shadowfrost shards.
I’m going to be doing a lot of ICC.
frines dfirneds if u are eve r like doin g icc 25 h horde side and need amronther person 2 come pls le tme e come bc i rly wan t thte title but im too shy 2 joi n ppels gorups
I was thinking about trying to put together one this weekend because i want heroic tokens and Shadowmourne.
We interrupt this dashboard
To show you again just how fucking awesome I look in DK season 12:
…and now, back to your regular scheduled programming.
Sorry. Can’t hear you over the paladin tier…
BREAKING: Local blood elf forgets to put helm on
Film at 11
i dont mean 2 INTRUDE on this macho man showdown but a vara all i see in that screenshot is
Paladin T15 has a glowing crotch.
We interrupt this dashboard
To show you again just how fucking awesome I look in DK season 12:
…and now, back to your regular scheduled programming.
Sorry. Can’t hear you over the paladin tier…
BREAKING: Local blood elf forgets to put helm on
Film at 11
it pisses me off that the boots dont match the rest of it and i know that’s just how the gear is designed ughalsd;j
Yes, there are matching boots but they’re not itemized properly for frost DKs??????????
Just another reason blizzard needs to hire me to be anal retentive about things.