Month: March 2013

Have I mentioned lately how creeped out I get whenever I have to go to Silvermoon?

mumblingdoodles: Based off of another GIF I’ve seen. There’s no real context for this, so feel free to use it for anything.


Based off of another GIF I’ve seen.

There’s no real context for this, so feel free to use it for anything.

While looking for my old icon i found this 

While looking for my old icon i found this 




this hat looks so dumb on a worgen

every hat looks dumb on a worgen

except the top hat

that’s the only one they can work

List of hats that are relatively acceptable on worgen:

archimondes-nordrassil-treehouse: wow crackpairing time: Lor’themar theron x Vereesa Windrunner lol


wow crackpairing time: Lor’themar theron x Vereesa Windrunner lol

henryhydreigon: ……wat yo.


