Vol’jin is the obvious choice for new warchief I mean honestly.
/still wants it to be lor’themar even if Vol’jin is super cool
basically the above.
*whispers lor’themar…
kitty that is an excellent idea i nominate you to work for blizzard and fix their ‘character development’
Dear Blizzard:
Stop milking the Insanity Cow. It can only produce so much at a time before the milk goes sour and produces sloppy storywriting. Also it’s teats have to be about ready to fall off at this point, so technically you’re committing animal cruelty.
Oh, and I’m real happy for Vol’jin and I’ll support him to the bitter end if he’s the new Warchief, but Lor’themar would make the best Warchief of all time.
Of all time.
Thank you for your time.
– KittyNoodles
You mean before the milk gets ~~~~corrupted~~~~?
…i’ll see myself out