someone on facebook posted this intending it to be negative but instead it’s INCREDIBLE. go girl scouts
girl scouts fuckin OWN
this is awesome!
fuck YEAH girl scouts are the shit
oh my god i was legit terrified that this was going to be like the time chick-fil-a turned out to be assbuckets and i had to stop buying their unfairly delicious chicken, I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO HAVE TO LIVE WITHOUT THIN MINTS, THIS IS SUCH A RELIEF
lmao its a sign of something that the only thing that made me realize this was a negative post was the “new age speakers” bit
Still proud to be a Girl Scout <3
Samoas have never tasted so good
And then there’s my old troop. I left. I swear, half of them would quit by reading some of these.
I adore the girlscouts for this. Hell, I don’t eat the cookies anymore really, but I still buy them every time I see a stand just to offer the support. Grade A childhood character building tradition, unlike others I could mention.
Time to bring this back.