
No, but I seriously don’t understand the whole slutmog shaming thing.

Like, ok??? Feminism! YAY!! 

You don’t have to have a character dressed up in revealing armour! That’s totally awesome! Your character can be covered up head to toe if you want.

You also can have a character dressed up in revealing armour! And that’s also totally awesome! Your character can be walking around with literally everything but their vagina and nipples showing if you want.

And nobody can do a damn thing about it. That’s the really neat thing about feminism. Is that you have that choice to either be covered up or revealing. No one can tell you what you can and can not dress your character up in.

And if you try to shame someone into covering up, that is just as bad as pressuring someone into dressing in a revealing way. And that kind of defeats the purpose of what you were going for in the first place.

So, stop it.

#I like slutmogs #I wish there were more options for slutmogs #I WANT MALE SLUTMOGS

I was going to reply with a link to 


 but he put on more clothes so: