scoutingforthefjords: ulosis: malformalady: Stormin’ Norman while he is shedding his velvet. HE IS NOT IN PAIN… his antlers are completely dead at this time of year. It is not unusual to see this much blood while a buck is shedding his velvet. Photo credit: Stephen Porter
Stormin’ Norman while he is shedding his velvet. HE IS NOT IN PAIN… his antlers are completely dead at this time of year. It is not unusual to see this much blood while a buck is shedding his velvet.
Photo credit: Stephen Porter
Deer are brutal.
not-so-scary-varae: Julie Andrews is having none of your shit today.
timedoesdirtythings: “With Santorum out of the way Obelisk is now mine. My only obstacle now is Romney. When I am through with him, I shall possess all three of the Egyptian God Cards.”
“With Santorum out of the way Obelisk is now mine. My only obstacle now is Romney. When I am through with him, I shall possess all three of the Egyptian God Cards.”
executiee: what i think about when I’m in class.
coffeencakes: Upside down boomkin riding a moonwalking reindeer checkin the mail. All is normal in stormwind.
Upside down boomkin riding a moonwalking reindeer checkin the mail. All is normal in stormwind.
halo is so great
not only does it damage the group of enemies youre directing it at, it also kills every critter in a 25 yard radius that you were thinking about catching and accidentally ganks the lowbies questing around you and aggros the entire wailing caverns and illidan and deathwing and onyxia from beyond the grave and elune herself descends from the stars and says “my child wtf are you doing”