how about we all just bask in the glory of the fact that in MoP i get to be a panda.
i will be able to run around being a panda and since i can’t be one irl i can live through WoW and be a panda.
that is all.
continue on with your lives.
Neferset Shadowlancer by ~AncientSources
meocraft: I really like trolls but I never get to draw them enough. I should level my troll druid a bit, maybe that would inspire me…
I really like trolls but I never get to draw them enough. I should level my troll druid a bit, maybe that would inspire me…
Let’s see how many times I can mount run in Stratholme in one night before I want to throw myself into the Maelstrom.
thesquishyone: Yay! Finally! Well, not really. Today was the first time I logged into Beta in weeks and noticed this guy on my mounts list. Not sure how that happened seeing as I don’t have him in the live game. Some day. For now I can only hope. Yup. Beta is like that one
Yay! Finally! Well, not really. Today was the first time I logged into Beta in weeks and noticed this guy on my mounts list. Not sure how that happened seeing as I don’t have him in the live game. Some day. For now I can only hope.
Yup. Beta is like that one oprah episode:
You get a Raven Lord! You get a Raven Lord! You get a Raven Lord! You get a Raven Lord You get a Raven Lord! You get a Raven Lord! You get a Raven Lord! You get a Raven Lord!
That feel when
You finally hit 68 and get the first thing you do is get the fuck out of Outland.
ollivandur: adxn: Calm your tits! D:! i’M TRYING But IT’s HARDER THAN IT LOOKS
textsfromazeroth: Just 3 parts, Darion? Thought you had more issues than that.
Let’s all take a moment to appreciate this armor.
Let’s all take a moment to appreciate this armor.